Featured Logo Styles
Here is a glimpse of the band in use:
They represent your voice and speak to who you are and and how your audience sees you
Happy | Caring | Life Changing | Family | Community | Wisdom | Confidence | Comfort
If necessary, use a 20% tint step system, keeping legibility in mind.
Any tint below 60% that is used as a background will require dark text.
Lagoon Rock
PMS 7472 C
CMYK: 63, 0, 2, 25
RGB: 71, 191, 187
HEX: 47bfbb
Chat Orange
PMS 2012 U
CMYK: 0, 39, 77, 3
RGB: 248, 151,5 7
HEX: f89739
Thunderbolt Blue
PMS 174-15 C
CMYK: 17, 08, 0, 69
RGB: 70,77,84
HEX: 464d54
Springtime Rain
PMS P 115-1 C
CMYK: 3, 2, 0, 4
RGB: 237, 241, 245
HEX: edf1f5
Midnight Black
PMS 900U
CMYK: 21, 0, 10, 89
RGB: 23, 29, 26
HEX: 171d1a
These are approved logo styles for various artistic and creative needs:
These are things you should NOT do with the logo
in order to maintain the integrity of the branding